Testa di controllo IntelliTop

Valvole igieniche / asettiche

Pentair Südmo’s innovation in intelligent communication - valve control unit IntelliTop 2.0 - is designed specifically to increase plant efficiency by controlling, monitoring and reporting on all process plant valve functions.

  • Reliable system process monitoring
  • Simple, intuitive and fast implementation
  • Process valve switching times adjustable with built-in inlet and outgoing air throttles
  • Bright LED beacon, visible from all sides, for easy valve seat detection for all open/close/seat lift cleaning positions
  • Simplified valve maintenance with service function activated from outside
  • Customized adjustments with a built-in microcontroller
  • Short air hose and cable routes for clear structure and reduced installation costs
  • Fast and easy fault analysis and rectification
  • Reducing system downtimes
  • Small and compact to fit in tight areas
  • NEW: Intelli-Pulse Flush (IPF)
    Optimization of the cleaning performance / Savings on water and CIP-cleaning detergents due to oscillating seat lift
  • NEW: Communication via IO-Link
    „Events“, e.g number of switching cycles, switching time delays are transmitted to the control -> preventive maintenance for more efficient process

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Testa di controllo IntelliTop

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Nella stessa categoria:

  • Riduttore di pressione Sanitari

  • Valvole Modulanti

  • Valvole a farfalla

  • Valvole a farfalla doppie

  • Valvola a singola sede SVP

  • Valvole mix proof DSV doppia sede

  • Valvola asettica secure

  • Valvola singola sede per riempimento

  • Valvola con doppia tenuta SD

  • Valvole di sovrapressione

  • Valvole di ritegno

  • Testa di controllo SensoTop

SMC S.r.l. global solution for fluid control

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